Register new TEST account

Account Information:

Enter your general account information.

The account name is automatically generated from the company name. Please click to edit it manually. Only lowercase letters, numbers and - (hypens) are allowed.

The phone number is used for emergency incidents, e.g. to inform you about outages or DNS attacks on your zone(s).

Personal User Information (Login Data)

Enter your user account information.

Minimum length 10 characters: lower case letters a-z, upper case letters A-Z, numbers 0-9 and non-alphabetic characters +%!?\$&/*-#:_.=@

The RcodeZero DNS test system can be used for free to test the webinterface and to try out features like the REST-API. There is no active Anycast service running on our test system and there are no service level agreements available.
While we strive to keep the test system available all the time, there may be outages due to deployment of new software revisions or other operational reasons.
The RcodeZero DNS test system may use newer software versions to beta-test new features. The use of the test system can be revoked by us at any time.

(*) Mandatory

(**) Mandatory for members of the European Union
